A hidden DUI-related license suspension you may not know about

When people think about DUIs, they think about jail time, losing their jobs, and license suspensions. What they often don't think about is that there can be more than one type of license suspension depending on the type of DUI charge (refusal, BAC over .08, or DUI drug/other substance). And they certainly don't think about the fact that those suspensions can run consecutive to each other.

The one people (including some lawyers, so beware) don't think about is the license suspension that comes automatically when a person charged with DUI doesn't request a trial date within 30 days of receiving the DUI charge.

Importantly, this applies if the person charged with DUI gave a breath sample (blew on the Intoxilyzer) that exceeded the .08 legal limit. If that's the case, the driver has to file a request for extension of driving privileges if their trial is not being held within 30 days of the DUI charge. If they do not request this extension, their license will be suspended for a period of 90 days, and this is in addition to any other licenses suspension they may get for being convicted of the DUI or entering into a nonadjudication program. 

So if you have been charged with a DUI for blowing over .08, it is important that you quickly hire a lawyer to communicate with the court and extend your driving privileges. We have decades of experience in successfully navigating our clients through DUI charges in Mississippi courts, so if you or a loved one have been charged with driving under the influence, do not hesitate to reach out to us immediately. To read more about DUIs in Mississippi, check out our previous blog posts on Mississippi DUIs.

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