What types of cases are now eligible for expungement in Mississippi under the new law?

Expungement of Criminal Record in Mississippi

In the state of Mississippi, it is possible to expunge misdemeanor and some felony charges from your criminal record if the charges were remanded, nonadjudicated, dismissed or resolved through pretrial diversion. This legislative session, the Mississippi Legislature passed HB 1352, which provided for several important enhancements to Mississippi's criminal justice system. One of the most important changes involves eligibility for expungement of first-time, nonviolent felony convictions.

For information on expungement in Mississippi, contact our Jackson lawyers to schedule your free consultation.

How Expungement Laws Have Changed

Previously, there were only a handful of crimes that could be expunged, and that list was rather strange.

For example, you could have a conviction for grand larceny removed from your record, but not a conviction for receiving stolen property. So if John stole something, John could clean up his record. But if Joe was caught holding what John stole, Joe was cursed with that all of their lives.

That's all changing now. Prior to the change in the law, only felony bad check, possession of controlled substance, false pretense, grand larceny, or shoplifting convictions could be expunged under the felony expungement statute. (There was an exception for people under the age of 21 at the time of the conviction.) Now, all first-time felony convictions can be expunged except for crimes of violence and a short list of other crimes.

Examples of Charges That Can Now be Expunged

Here are just a few of the types of convictions that are also now eligible for expungement in Mississippi under the new law:

  • Possession of marijuana or other drug with intent to distribute
  • Possession of stolen goods
  • Receiving stolen goods
  • Sale of cocaine
  • Fleeing and eluding
  • Arson of personal property (third degree arson)
  • Sale of a controlled substance
  • Malicious mischief
  • Possession of a stolen firearm
  • Credit card fraud
  • Possession of counterfeit goods
  • and many, many more

We Are Here to Help You!

If you think you or someone you know might benefit from an expungement under the new law, please don't hesitate to contact our offices by phone, by web chat, or through the contact form on this website. There is no cost at all for us to evaluate your case and determine whether or not you qualify.

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